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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Reverse Robin Hood

In this video Senator Bernie Sanders delivers a speech on the topic of extending the Bush tax cuts for the top earners in the US.  This is the "trickle down" theory, which predicts that dumping money onto the top of the economic pyramid will benefit the whole pyramid because the money will "trickle down" through the bottom level of the pyramid.

This is the economic policy that the "neo-conservative" Republicans are trying to extend, which includes Mitt Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan.

Senator Sanders does an excellent job of illustrating why this is a flawed model for economic recovery:  it literally takes money and benefits from the poorest, most economically insecure people in the country and gives it to the richest, most economically privileged people in the country.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Ben Swann Reports on Romney's Blackmail

The Mitt Romney presidential campaign has been consistently subversive and "shady" in their tactics for winning the hearts and minds of the United States.  Ben Swann has been on top of this story since for quite some time now, but this newest development in the story is particularly interesting.  It's interesting because it shows just how insecure the Mitt Romney campaign is.

Note that the delegates of Maine allegedly lack the proper credentials (according to the document), but this is excusable if the delegates keep quiet and do as they are told.  It may have come in a manila envelope, but this looks like blackmail to me.

Ben Swann has consistently demonstrated his value as a reporter with integrity and courage, and I highly recommend subscribing to his channel on YouTube.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

How a Bill(ionaire) Becomes a Law(maker) is an organization that strives to eliminate the influence of super PACs from the democratic process.  PAC is an acronym for political action committee, and it is basically a group that either supports or attacks a political candidate.

A super PAC is a group that supports and/or attacks political candidates but has access to exponentially greater funds, thanks to its contributors (which are corporations).  The formation of super PACs was made possible by the Citizens United ruling, wherein the Supreme Court decided that corporations are people just like you and me, so they can donate as much money to super PACs as they want.

The consequences of this are spelled out pretty clearly in this video:

Visit to sign their petition to get the money out of politics.

The LIBOR Scandal, Part 3

Using clips from mainstream and alternative news sites, this series of videos does an excellent job of describing what is going on (and has been going on for quite some time) in the international banking community.  It also does a good job of highlighting the fact that Iceland has already taken legal action against bankers and politicians involved in the creation of fraudulent debt and loans.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four